Each year Nancy and Susan host a staff quilt show. The theme changes from year to year and is always quite interesting. This is when our customers get a chance to see how the staff responds to a challenge. This year the theme was Lone Star Quilts.
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We had a great show with 14 very different quilts. Please go to the Glad Creations Blog and watch the slide show that Nancy & Susan have put together using the SmileBox app. You will be able to spot the central theme of the Lone Star but you will quickly see that each quilt is completely different form the others. From a Lone Star with a "broderie perse" center to an all plaid quilt and colors that glow.
It was a great show that we are trying to get into the Minnesota Quilt Show as a group showing. If that doesn't work I think we are each planning to submit our individual quilts. I am going to have to tell my brother-in-law and his wife that their quilt will be delayed for a few months.